Author: Pat Bumstead
New Report on the State of Canada’s Birds

The North American Bird Conservation Initiative (NABCI) has just released a new report on the state of Canada’s birds. It’s the second comprehensive assessment of the conservation status of birdlife in Canada. The new report highlights the challenges of bird conservation as well as past and current successes of conservation …
The Barred Owl and the Chipmunk
Many thanks to Kevin Biskaborn for sending us this wonderful footage. As warmer spring weather melts the snow in Canada, an eastern chipmunk (Tamias striatus) ventures out of hibernation only to be immediately hunted by a barred owl (Strix varia). Three chase sequences shown in order as they happened. …
Historic release bolsters one of Canada’s most endangered birds

With the release of 66 greater sage-grouse into the wild, the Calgary Zoo, in partnership with the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) and Parks Canada, has significantly boosted one of Canada’s most endangered birds at a time when fewer than 250 remain in their habitat. This milestone release is the …
Manitoba Bird ID
Birds of Canada 2nd Edition
In 2010 we were overjoyed to receive a wonderful new book covering only Canadian birds. You can read my review of Birds of Canada here. Now the publishers have released a revised and expanded version, which is just as spectacular as the first version. The full page profile pages remain …
Best Places to Bird in The Prairies
Robins Rule The Deck
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Project Feeder Watch Celebrates 30 Years

Project FeederWatch celebrated its 30th anniversary last winter, thanks to dedicated participants who observe birds at their feeders. The information collected through this project over three decades allows scientists to measure important changes in North America’s winter bird populations over time. All are invited to join in this fun and …