Author: Rob and Angie Mueller
T.O. Backyard – Road Trip!
T.O. Backyard – April- “Hello Spring, are you there?”
T.O. Backyard – Seasonal Switch

March and April are always interesting months in our backyard. The calendar says Spring arrives, but Winter puts up quite a fight to stay around. The first of our Spring/Summer migrants have arrived, Red-winged Blackbirds and Grackles. We’ve been making sure the feeders are well stocked to help them out, as …
Bird Tales From a Toronto Backyard – From Our Backyard to the Night Owls
T.O. Backyard – Algonquin Road Trip
T.O. BACKYARD – Raptor Mania

December 2015 started off rather interesting in our Toronto backyard. We were still getting visits from Red-winged Blackbirds! I can only recall one other December in the near decade where we had such birds still visiting. We always call the Red-winged Blackbirds our first sign of Spring. The weather was …