Rock Ptarmigan Territorial Bird of Nunavut
Birds of Nunavut Specialties
- Gyrfalcon
- Rock ptarmigan
- Grey-cheeked thrush
- Sandhill crane
- White-rumped sandpiper
- Long-tailed jaeger
- Arctic tern
- Lapland longspur
- Solitary sandpiper
- Sabine’s gull
Nunavut, Canada’s newest territory means “our land” in Inuktitut, the Inuit language. Nunavut covers about two million square kilometres of land and water in northern Canada, including part of the mainland, most of the Arctic Archipelago, and all of the islands in Hudson Bay, James Bay and Ungava Bay. The territory makes up 1/5 of Canada’s land base.
Nunavut is north of Manitoba and east of Hudson’s Bay, and is made up of the central and eastern portions of the former Northwest Territories. It shares a tiny land border with Newfoundland and Labrador on the east. It also shares aquatic borders with the provinces of Quebec, Ontario and Manitoba, and the country of Greenland.
The creation of Nunavut created Canada’s only “four corners””at the intersection of the boundaries of Nunavut, the Northwest Territories, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan, on the southern shore of Kasba Lake. This is not the tourist spot it might be, as it is extremely remote and inaccessible. Nevertheless there is a marker at the point, and some have made the trek.
Nunavut is a land of rock, snow, ice, and sea. Like Canada’s other territories, it can be divided into two broad geographical regions – the boreal forest in the south and the Arctic tundra in the north.
Territorial Web Links
Where Do You Want To Go Birding in Nunavut?
There is a list of the 12 endangered birds in Nunavut on the COSEWIC website at http://tinyurl.com/qxvyvfy
I would really be interested in seeing a endangered species bird list specifically for Nunavut. I live up north and I am having a hard time finding birds to protect up north. Anybody know where to find one?