Northwest Territories Specialties
309 species in 40 families

NWT Territorial Bird Gyrfalcon
- Gyrfalcon
- Rock ptarmigan
- Grey-cheeked thrush
- Sandhill crane
- White-rumped sandpiper
- Long-tailed jaeger
- Arctic tern
- Lapland longspur
- Solitary sandpiper
- Sabine’s gull
The Northwest Territories is located in north central Canada, above the 60th parallel. It borders Canada’s two other territories; Yukon to the west and Nunavut to the east, and three provinces – British Columbia to the southwest, Alberta to the south, and Saskatchewan to the southeast.
Territorial islands in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago include Banks Island, Borden Island, Prince Patrick Island and parts of Victoria and Melville Islands. The highest point is Mount Nirvana near the border with Yukon at an elevation 2,773 metres (9,098 ft).
Geographical features include the vast Great Bear and Great Slave Lakes, as well as the immense Mackenzie River and the canyons of the Nahanni National Park Reserve. Like Canada’s other northern territories, the Northwest Territories can be divided into two main geographical regions – the boreal forest belt in the south and the Arctic tundra in the north.
NWT Web Links
This morning saw a strange little bird while I walked my dogs. It was about the size of a robin maybe a little smaller white in color with black or dark brown markings on its wings and chest. I am a bird lover but have never seen this bird before.Of course i did not have a camera but I am going to keep an eye open on my next few walks and see if I can get a picture. Any one have an idea of what i saw. It was bigger then a snow bunting.
It sounds like you might be seeing snow buntings. Have a look at to see if these are your birds.
I have been touring around in the southern part of the NWT (March/April) and have noticed many flocks of small (approximately Chickadee sized) white birds with black markings on them; they appear to be rather awkward fliers taking to the air and landing a short time later. I have seen hundreds of them on the side of the highway and have yet to have a chance to grab a photo before they are scared off. Any idea what they may be? Thanks!
Sadly, I have never birded the NWT, but it is on the top of my bucket list, as is the King Eider. I have nothing to recommend to you, but I Googled “birding Northwest Territories” and found some good links to local businesses and birding guides up there. Best of luck in your search!
I bought “Birds of Canada” by David M Bird, PHD and noticed how many spectacular birds are in the NWT. Could you recommend a park or city or tour. We loved our trip to the Yukon many years ago but have never been to the NWT. Birds of extreme interest include the King Eider, Red-throated Loon, the Pacific Loon and the Horned Grebe. I’m sure there are many others of interest to us Eastern Canadians.
Although you are off the raod from driving for a while, good to see you are using the time well. Please stop cnialwrg through the flower beds on your hands and knees with your camera, stalking the birds, you are upsetting the Gardeners!!!!! Great shots by the way.