Quebec Specialties
408 species in 45 families

Provincial Bird Snowy Owl
- Snowy owl
- Cape May warbler
- Blackpoll warbler
- American black duck
- Glaucous gull
- Common eider
- Greater yellowlegs
- Boreal chickadee
- Long-tailed duck
- Black-crowned night heron
Quebec is bordered by Ontario to the west and New Brunswick and Labrador to the east. To the south, the St Lawrence river marks the boundary between Canada and the USA. It is almost entirely surrounded by water: Hudson Strait to the north, the St. Lawrence River to the south, and James Bay and Hudson Bay to the west. Quebec shares maritime borders with Nunavut, Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia.
More than 60% of the province’s land area lies within the Canadian Shield. In the Labrador Peninsula, the far northern region consists of Arctic tundra inhabited mostly by the Inuit. Further south lie subarctic taiga and boreal forest.
The most populated region is the St Lawrence River valley in the south. The region is low-lying and flat, and the combination of rich and easily arable soils and the province’s warmest climate make the valley Quebec’s most prolific agricultural area. The distinctive landscape is divided into narrow rectangular tracts of land that date back to settlement patterns in 17th century New France.
There are more than 130,000 rivers and 1 million lakes and waterways in Quebec. The St. Lawrence River is the province’s dominant geographical feature and one of the world’s largest rivers. It is 65 km wide in its estuary, and roughly 1,200 km in length.
Rare Bird Alert Hotlines
Montreal – English (514) 844-5225
Montreal – French (514) 978-8849
Eastern Quebec – French (418) 660-9089
Sagueny – French (418) 696-1868
Bas St Laurent – French (418) 725-5118
Western Quebec – French (819) 778-0737
Quebec Web Links
Where Do You Want To Go Birding in Quebec?
I live north of St-Jérôme and today i saw a northern flicker 🙂
Hello, I’m 65 years old and this morning I saw for the first time in my life 5 small birds like sparrows but their body was a very dark grey and they had a bright blue spot on their backs. I live on the Richelieu River near St-Jean-sur-Richelieu.
Does anybody know what that bird is? I can’t find anything on the internet . . .
Thanks for your help !
We don’t have a lot of blue birds to choose from in Canada so I would guess your bird was either an eastern bluebird or an indigo bunting. Have at look at this comparison
Yesterday I saw a very bright (almost turquoise) small blue bird outside my window. I didn’t get a picture but I’ve never seen it before. I live in Riviere-Beaudette. It’s a small town near the Ontario border in southern Quebec.
I’t the size about of a small golden finch.
I also have humming birds, woodpeckers, baltimore orioles, blue jays, cardinals, golden finches and what looks like or similiar to a Rose-breasted Grosbeak if they are seen this far north.
Anyone have any ideas?
Thank you!
Sorry but I can’t help you with this. It could be a songbird, a shorebird …. Without a bit of description of the bird I’m lost. It sounds like a very distinctive call but not one that is familiar to me. Anyone else know what this might be?
I know, you’ve probably heard this before and it sounds a lot like the beginning to a bad joke – but I heard this sound today in southern Quebec and would like to know what it could be . . .
reeet reeet jube jube jube jube jube jube jube – the reeeeet is extended, the jube are seven rapidly produced.
Rare siting of water birds every fall in Quebec close to Maniwaki . They look like loons maybe even penguins . They come in numbers 20-30 and synchronize fish on our lake every November. We see them only for a few weeks then they are gone. Very difficult to get close to them for a photo. They appear to be dark with white breasts and white on the side of their heads. Today I noticed 5-6 swimming that were slightly smaller with no white markings. Does anyone have an idea of what type of water bird they may be?
Would someone please check koa Quebec campground for rusty blackbirds _I saw what I think were rusty blackbirds there,__but I would like confirmation_thanks
Nice page! im from sweden and our landscapes are kind of the same as canada. I want to visti canada some time and do some bird watching!
Great blog to browse. Good to see other Canadian blogs, I don’t think there are many in Quebec (in English). Keep up the good work.
Best wishes