Category: Bird Behaviour
A Risky Business
On Being Heard Above the Din
Big babies, little mamas
Last summer I watched an exhausted-looking Chestnut-backed Chickadee valiantly feed a demanding Brown-headed Cowbird chick about four times its size. Here’s the cowbird, waiting (impatiently) while the harrowed chickadee gathers food to bring back to him. The year before I’d watched a female Song Sparrow in our back yard feeding …
The Hazards of Nestcamming
Sharp-tailed Dancers
Outstanding video from the Alberta Conservation Association! The sharp-tailed grouse is a native game bird that makes its home in the prairies, parklands and forest openings of Alberta. For much of the year the sharp-tailed grouse is a quiet, well-camouflaged bird; however, its spring shenanigans are undoubtedly one of the …
What To Do With An Old Lawn Chair
Nested Nests
Unbelievable Snowy Owl Behaviour
This is a preview of a new show coming to PBS Nature in October, and I just had to share it. I have never seen owl behaviour like this, and frankly my mouth was hanging open as I watched it. Twice.
Wednesday Wings: Thanks Mom!
A Risky Business
On Being Heard Above the Din
Big babies, little mamas

Last summer I watched an exhausted-looking Chestnut-backed Chickadee valiantly feed a demanding Brown-headed Cowbird chick about four times its size. Here’s the cowbird, waiting (impatiently) while the harrowed chickadee gathers food to bring back to him. The year before I’d watched a female Song Sparrow in our back yard feeding …
The Hazards of Nestcamming
Sharp-tailed Dancers
Outstanding video from the Alberta Conservation Association! The sharp-tailed grouse is a native game bird that makes its home in the prairies, parklands and forest openings of Alberta. For much of the year the sharp-tailed grouse is a quiet, well-camouflaged bird; however, its spring shenanigans are undoubtedly one of the …
What To Do With An Old Lawn Chair
Nested Nests
Unbelievable Snowy Owl Behaviour
This is a preview of a new show coming to PBS Nature in October, and I just had to share it. I have never seen owl behaviour like this, and frankly my mouth was hanging open as I watched it. Twice.