Category: Bird Conservation Canada
Historic release bolsters one of Canada’s most endangered birds
With the release of 66 greater sage-grouse into the wild, the Calgary Zoo, in partnership with the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) and Parks Canada, has significantly boosted one of Canada’s most endangered birds at a time when fewer than 250 remain in their habitat. This milestone release is the …
Project Feeder Watch Celebrates 30 Years
Project FeederWatch celebrated its 30th anniversary last winter, thanks to dedicated participants who observe birds at their feeders. The information collected through this project over three decades allows scientists to measure important changes in North America’s winter bird populations over time. All are invited to join in this fun and …
Birds & Tailings Ponds – a deadly combination
Who’s Making Babies Where?
Endangered Burrowing Owls Given a Head Start
Endangered species come in all shapes and sizes, and the Calgary Zoo is launching an innovative conservation project to save one of the most unique owls in the country — the burrowing owl. Working in partnership with Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)’s Canadian Wildlife Service (CWS) and Alberta Environment …
Get Involved Today with Canada’s IBA Program!
A new video showcases Canada’s Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas Program, highlighting some of Canada’s cherished bird species, the special places they call home, and the dedicated volunteers – or IBA Caretakers – who are working to help safeguard Canada’s Important Bird Areas (IBAs). Canada’s IBA Program is a global BirdLife International initiative to …
New Report: Boreal Birds Need Half
One of the world’s greatest migrations is happening now. Billions of migratory birds are heading from the U.S., Central and South America to what’s been dubbed “North America’s bird nursery” —the sprawling billion-plus-acre boreal forest that spans the continent from Alaska across Canada to Newfoundland and Labrador—to nest and produce …
On How to Woo a Female Finch
Get your GBBC on!
Historic release bolsters one of Canada’s most endangered birds

With the release of 66 greater sage-grouse into the wild, the Calgary Zoo, in partnership with the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) and Parks Canada, has significantly boosted one of Canada’s most endangered birds at a time when fewer than 250 remain in their habitat. This milestone release is the …
Project Feeder Watch Celebrates 30 Years

Project FeederWatch celebrated its 30th anniversary last winter, thanks to dedicated participants who observe birds at their feeders. The information collected through this project over three decades allows scientists to measure important changes in North America’s winter bird populations over time. All are invited to join in this fun and …
Birds & Tailings Ponds – a deadly combination
Who’s Making Babies Where?
Endangered Burrowing Owls Given a Head Start

Endangered species come in all shapes and sizes, and the Calgary Zoo is launching an innovative conservation project to save one of the most unique owls in the country — the burrowing owl. Working in partnership with Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)’s Canadian Wildlife Service (CWS) and Alberta Environment …
Get Involved Today with Canada’s IBA Program!

A new video showcases Canada’s Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas Program, highlighting some of Canada’s cherished bird species, the special places they call home, and the dedicated volunteers – or IBA Caretakers – who are working to help safeguard Canada’s Important Bird Areas (IBAs). Canada’s IBA Program is a global BirdLife International initiative to …
New Report: Boreal Birds Need Half

One of the world’s greatest migrations is happening now. Billions of migratory birds are heading from the U.S., Central and South America to what’s been dubbed “North America’s bird nursery” —the sprawling billion-plus-acre boreal forest that spans the continent from Alaska across Canada to Newfoundland and Labrador—to nest and produce …