Category: Bird Identification
Canada’s Shorebirds – Part 2, Suborder Scolopacii
In Part 1 of this series, we covered in some detail the Suborder Charadrii, which included such beauties as the American Avocet, Black-bellied Plover, and the ever-present Killdeer. In that suborder, we went over the 11 endemic species in some detail and mentioned 4 vagrant species. This month, we’ll …
What, if Anything, is a Hoary Redpoll?
Posted by Bob Lefebvre, Calgary The last two winters have seen huge irruptions of redpolls into the Calgary area, and across much of southern Canada and the northern continental US. This doesn’t happen every year, and it has been difficult to find any Common Redpolls in some recent winters. Finding …
Taxidermy for Birders: Birding the Canadian Museum of Nature
The Great Horned Owls of Sikome Lake
Everyone loves owls. Their big eyes, large size, and charismatic facial expressions can make even a non-birder sit up and take notice, and many birders have had their start with some incredible experience or other either chasing, discovering, or simply learning about them. Here in Calgary, there has been at …
A Snowy Pair
Crossbill Extravaganza!
House Finch With Deformed Bill
Posted by Pat Bumstead For a bird lover, these photos are heart rendering. I apologize for the poor quality, but these few pictures are the only ones I managed to get before he flew away, and I haven’t seen him since. He was part of a small flock of house …
A Proper Introduction
113th Annual Christmas Bird Count
More than 12,000 volunteers across Canada – and over 60,000 continent-wide – will be counting birds from December 14, 2012 to January 5, 2013. Many will rise before dawn and brave winter weather to participate in the world’s longest running wildlife census, begun in 1900. The Christmas Bird Count is …
Canada’s Shorebirds – Part 2, Suborder Scolopacii

In Part 1 of this series, we covered in some detail the Suborder Charadrii, which included such beauties as the American Avocet, Black-bellied Plover, and the ever-present Killdeer. In that suborder, we went over the 11 endemic species in some detail and mentioned 4 vagrant species. This month, we’ll …
What, if Anything, is a Hoary Redpoll?

Posted by Bob Lefebvre, Calgary The last two winters have seen huge irruptions of redpolls into the Calgary area, and across much of southern Canada and the northern continental US. This doesn’t happen every year, and it has been difficult to find any Common Redpolls in some recent winters. Finding …
Taxidermy for Birders: Birding the Canadian Museum of Nature
The Great Horned Owls of Sikome Lake

Everyone loves owls. Their big eyes, large size, and charismatic facial expressions can make even a non-birder sit up and take notice, and many birders have had their start with some incredible experience or other either chasing, discovering, or simply learning about them. Here in Calgary, there has been at …
A Snowy Pair
Crossbill Extravaganza!
House Finch With Deformed Bill
Posted by Pat Bumstead For a bird lover, these photos are heart rendering. I apologize for the poor quality, but these few pictures are the only ones I managed to get before he flew away, and I haven’t seen him since. He was part of a small flock of house …
A Proper Introduction
113th Annual Christmas Bird Count

More than 12,000 volunteers across Canada – and over 60,000 continent-wide – will be counting birds from December 14, 2012 to January 5, 2013. Many will rise before dawn and brave winter weather to participate in the world’s longest running wildlife census, begun in 1900. The Christmas Bird Count is …