Category: Bird Identification
Wednesday Wings: Corvid Cuties
Wednesday Wings: A Plethora of Sparrows
Wednesday Wings: Orange-crowned Preener
Wednesday Wings: A Blue Day
Vulture Awareness Day
This is the second International Vulture Awareness Day. Although most people are unaware of it, Canada does have a resident vulture species, highly deserving of a feature on this blog. Turkey vultures Cathartes aura have been expanding their range northward in the last few years, and can now be seen …
Wednesday Wings: A True Prairie Hawk
Wednesday Wings: Mr. Orange
Wednesday Wings: Mourning Dove-lettes
Wings on Wednesday: What The….?
Wednesday Wings: Corvid Cuties
Wednesday Wings: A Plethora of Sparrows
Wednesday Wings: Orange-crowned Preener
Wednesday Wings: A Blue Day
Vulture Awareness Day

This is the second International Vulture Awareness Day. Although most people are unaware of it, Canada does have a resident vulture species, highly deserving of a feature on this blog. Turkey vultures Cathartes aura have been expanding their range northward in the last few years, and can now be seen …