Category: Grasslands Birds
Grassland Birds In Saskatchewan Need Help
After more than 75 years of managing fragile grasslands as productive rangelands for livestock grazing, the federal government announced in the spring of 2012 that it was transferring control of the Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration (PFRA) pastures back to the provinces. This was done with no public consultation and little …
Canada’s Grassland Birds Face Declining Populations
Guest Post by Ted Cheskey, Nature Canada Manager of Bird Conservation The Greater Sage-grouse is on the brink of extinction in Canada. This iconic prairie bird, known for its spectacular mating dance, will likely vanish if emergency measures are not put in place to protect its grassland and sagebrush habitat. Unfortunately, the Sage-grouse …
2012 Sage Grouse Population Survey
Every spring anxious eyes turn towards the sage-grouse mating grounds (known as “leks”) of southern Alberta to see whether or not Canada’s sage-grouse made it through the winter. This year’s spring population counts observed only 13 males at Alberta leks, showing no improvement since last year. In Saskatchewan, the only …
Wednesday Wings: Swainson’s BIF
Whoopers in Flight
Hmmm. Uhh. Wha?
Premier Redford Cancels Notorious “Potatogate” Land Sale
2011-10-19 Alberta Wilderness Association News Release Alberta Wilderness Association (AWA) is delighted to congratulate Premier Alison Redford on honouring her campaign commitment to scrap the notorious “Potatogate” public land sale. A short Government of Alberta news release, October 19, 2011, announced: “Government cancelled the RFP after people expressed concerns that …
Those Aren’t Geese…
Aiming For The Wallets
Alberta’s disappearing sage grouse continue to make the headlines. Billboard campaigns are revving up, and more people are paying attention. A lot of people are at the wringing of hands stage, saying but what can we do? Based on past experience, it’s obvious we can’t rely on either the federal …
Grassland Birds In Saskatchewan Need Help

After more than 75 years of managing fragile grasslands as productive rangelands for livestock grazing, the federal government announced in the spring of 2012 that it was transferring control of the Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration (PFRA) pastures back to the provinces. This was done with no public consultation and little …
Canada’s Grassland Birds Face Declining Populations

Guest Post by Ted Cheskey, Nature Canada Manager of Bird Conservation The Greater Sage-grouse is on the brink of extinction in Canada. This iconic prairie bird, known for its spectacular mating dance, will likely vanish if emergency measures are not put in place to protect its grassland and sagebrush habitat. Unfortunately, the Sage-grouse …
2012 Sage Grouse Population Survey

Every spring anxious eyes turn towards the sage-grouse mating grounds (known as “leks”) of southern Alberta to see whether or not Canada’s sage-grouse made it through the winter. This year’s spring population counts observed only 13 males at Alberta leks, showing no improvement since last year. In Saskatchewan, the only …
Wednesday Wings: Swainson’s BIF
Whoopers in Flight
Hmmm. Uhh. Wha?
Premier Redford Cancels Notorious “Potatogate” Land Sale
2011-10-19 Alberta Wilderness Association News Release Alberta Wilderness Association (AWA) is delighted to congratulate Premier Alison Redford on honouring her campaign commitment to scrap the notorious “Potatogate” public land sale. A short Government of Alberta news release, October 19, 2011, announced: “Government cancelled the RFP after people expressed concerns that …
Those Aren’t Geese…
Aiming For The Wallets
Alberta’s disappearing sage grouse continue to make the headlines. Billboard campaigns are revving up, and more people are paying attention. A lot of people are at the wringing of hands stage, saying but what can we do? Based on past experience, it’s obvious we can’t rely on either the federal …