Category: Raptors
Vulture Awareness Day 2011- Bone Bustin’ Birds
Now I’ve Got You. Oops.
We’re into the dull birding month in my yard – I have house sparrows and more house sparrows, as the hatch year juveniles are now flying with the adults. House finches, mourning doves and black-capped chickadees make the occasional appearance, but it’s basically sparrow-world out there. A couple of days …
Wednesday Wings: Noisy Neighbors
Wednesday Wings: Ferruginous Five
Wednesday Wings: Tree Tops
Wednesday Wings: A Rough(ie) Trip
Wednesday Wings: A True Prairie Hawk
Wednesday Wings: Osprey
Hug A Vulture Today
Vulture Awareness Day 2011- Bone Bustin’ Birds
Now I’ve Got You. Oops.

We’re into the dull birding month in my yard – I have house sparrows and more house sparrows, as the hatch year juveniles are now flying with the adults. House finches, mourning doves and black-capped chickadees make the occasional appearance, but it’s basically sparrow-world out there. A couple of days …