Category: Weird & Wonky
Citrine Wagtail Continues in the Comox Valley
It’s not often that one sees a once in a lifetime “life bird” like the citrine wagtail (Motacilla citreola) that showed up way back in November, 2012 alongside an unremarkable farm field road on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Found by local Comox Valley birder Dave Routledge, this second North American and …
The Ultimate Birder Video
I was laughing so hard at this video I had to watch it more than once to get all the dialogue. Pretty sure I’ve said all of these things myself a time or two, but it made perfect sense at the time!
Morons Flush Snowy Owl To Get A Photograph
There is a great post on Birdchick’s blog today – Documenting Bad Behavior of Birders and Photographers. She’s making a point about birders and photographers who disturb the birds to get ‘that perfect shot.’ Should we be documenting their actions and publicizing them? I say YES! Put the video or …
Where Are The Posts?
You may have noticed Bird Canada has been sadly lacking in posts lately. If someone would just give me 48 hours in each day… We have been working our tail-feathers off around here for the last two months. No time for birding drives, scarcely any time to look out the …
Words Fail Me Wednesday
Wednesday Wings: Tree Tops
Wingless Wednesday
These photos were taken in my yard on April 16, 2011. I am running out of adjectives to describe our ‘spring’ weather, but I’m sure the robins, tree sparrows, house sparrows, dark-eyed juncos, nuthatches, northern flickers, house finches, black-capped chickadees, mourning doves, blue jays, black-billed magpies and red-winged blackbirds in …
Spring Has Sproinged
Speechless Wednesday
Citrine Wagtail Continues in the Comox Valley

It’s not often that one sees a once in a lifetime “life bird” like the citrine wagtail (Motacilla citreola) that showed up way back in November, 2012 alongside an unremarkable farm field road on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Found by local Comox Valley birder Dave Routledge, this second North American and …
The Ultimate Birder Video
I was laughing so hard at this video I had to watch it more than once to get all the dialogue. Pretty sure I’ve said all of these things myself a time or two, but it made perfect sense at the time!
Morons Flush Snowy Owl To Get A Photograph
There is a great post on Birdchick’s blog today – Documenting Bad Behavior of Birders and Photographers. She’s making a point about birders and photographers who disturb the birds to get ‘that perfect shot.’ Should we be documenting their actions and publicizing them? I say YES! Put the video or …
Where Are The Posts?
You may have noticed Bird Canada has been sadly lacking in posts lately. If someone would just give me 48 hours in each day… We have been working our tail-feathers off around here for the last two months. No time for birding drives, scarcely any time to look out the …
Words Fail Me Wednesday
Wednesday Wings: Tree Tops
Wingless Wednesday

These photos were taken in my yard on April 16, 2011. I am running out of adjectives to describe our ‘spring’ weather, but I’m sure the robins, tree sparrows, house sparrows, dark-eyed juncos, nuthatches, northern flickers, house finches, black-capped chickadees, mourning doves, blue jays, black-billed magpies and red-winged blackbirds in …