Help needed with migratory wetland birds survey

i-Swr3vR2-MGood morning, my name is Daniel Revollo. I’ve been doing academic research on economic valuation of the activity of bird watching North America to Central and South America.

I’ve been working on a project regarding economic valuation of wetlands in Mexico as a resting place for migratory birds.

Why is this relevant research? Our study aims to estimate the economic value of environmental services provided by a wetland, such as the resting place of birds during migration. Also, this economic assessment attempts to provide conservation tools to public policy makers and estimate the real cost to society for the damage or loss of these ecosystems.

This is a non-profit project and you can get involved if interested. For this, you have to be a birdwatcher and answer the questions that come in the following link. This will not take you more than 5 minutes and is completely anonymous.

– Link with questions only to residents of the United States, Canada and others.

– Link with questions only for residents of Mexico.

Thanks for your time and cooperation.

Daniel Revollo Fernandez
Centro Regional de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias (CRIM-UNAM), Mexico
Restauracion Ecologica y Desarrollo A.C. (REDES A.C.), Mexico

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