Bird News
Deformed birds appearing in Alaska, northwest, and Canada at record-breaking rate
Windpower company develops North American bird and bat scheme
Sage grouse on path to extinction in Alberta
Roadkilled bird is oldest bald eagle ever documented in wild
Mammal News
Is a polar bear worth more dead or alive? Ottawa to study it
Brown bruins could displace polar bears, scientists say
Polar bears can’t eat geese into extinction
Parks Canada to expand deer cull on Sidney Island, BC
Orphaned grizzly bear cubs rescued in northern BC
South Dempster caribou hunting ban signed n the Yukon
Conservation measures announced for George River caribou in Labrador
Bluenose East caribou first herd to increase (Northwest Territories)
Herptile News
Griquet, Newfoundland’s leatherback turtle autopsy mystery
Fish News
BC fish-farm sea lice more widespread than thought
Salmon added to water hazard on southern Vancouver Island golf course
Insect News
Culling of trees and cold weather ease Alberta’s pine beetle burden
Ecosystem News
Harmful pollution in Canada’s lakes and rivers
Thanks for including my blog post about the federal reports on freshwater pollution in this week’s roundup! I was shocked to find out things were so bad. Here’s hoping we see some changes to the way the government deals with water pollution.