Hello again!
It’s been a few months since I’ve done a post here and I apologize for that.
My spring season began in May with a vacation throughout southern Ontario, including a wonderful stop at Bird Studies Canada in Port Rowan! Unfortunately, it also included a breakdown of my lens (Tamron 150-600mm). I lost a days’ photos when they came out black because the lens & camera stopped recognizing each other. Finally got my lens back in mid July, good as new. Grateful for warranties!!
Next, as you can see in the following 2 photos, I had a bit of a computer issue for a couple of months. It still doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me what happened but one day in June, I had been working on photos that I had uploaded that morning. All was well. That evening however, when I went to look at those photos, I discovered to my horror, that my ENTIRE photos file was GONE. Not just accidentally transferred to Trash where it could be restored …. the file was no where to be found on the ENTIRE COMPUTER. Just GONE with absolutely no explanation of how it could have happened. Of course, I was mortified as I had been lazy in transferring photos to the external hard drive so that file held 6 MONTHS worth!
My husband, bless him, did his very best to recover as much as he could for me. He discovered a little program that would recover every jpeg. file it could find. This turned out to be a blessing and a curse! The program found *4200* jpg. files and I had to go through almost every single one to find keepable photos. Many were just thumbnails, unusable, but every once in a while, I’d get lucky & find a folder of full sized photos.
It took me 2 months to go through everything. When I was finally done, my husband formatted my computer as it was on the verge of a total collapse. Sigh. I have no idea what all I lost but I was actually able to salvage a fair amount. Now I need to go through THOSE files and get things organized again. That will likely take another couple of months to complete! Anyway, here is a sample of what my poor computer looked like during this mishap.

‘HOME’ file … filled to capacity with over 4000 files for me to comb through.

At one point, again with no explanation, all those files also showed up on my Desktop! The computer was barely usable at this point.
So! For the rest of this post, I’m going to show you some photos from this past month. My husband & I purchased a new fishing boat this spring so we’ve spent a lot of time out on the area lakes & rivers which has been very therapeutic! Many photos are from our latest trip and many photos are just from my backyard. Here we go:

We’ve had a mixed bag of weather with enough heat, lots of humidity & a fair amount of rain throughout the season. This is my first-ever sighting of Mammatus clouds.

This is a storm that blew in while we were fishing. We had to make a run for it! This is my first-ever photo of a shelf cloud!

We saw about 30 Ducks on our last fishing trip a couple of weeks ago. Most were Mallards, like this one. With our new electric trolling motor, they didn’t care that we were around because it was very quiet. They swam right by us & continued feeding!


Yet more Mallards 🙂

And even more Mallards! This group was snoozing on a warm rock.

They stood up and did some Mallard yoga while we cruised on by. Bend & stretch!

We also saw a small group of 3 of these little cuties and guess what: they’re NOT Mallards! This is a juvenile Hooded Merganser. How cute is THAT face!
Now, onto sightings in my yard. It’s been a veritable Bird Nursery around here this past month or two. So much fun! Along with tons of Purple Finches & Goldfinches, I’ve had:

A family of 5 Red Breasted Nuthatches. This is one of the last juveniles around & he was very curious about me. 🙂

A family of Yellow Rumped Warblers came around last week. This is one of the juveniles, also very curious about me.

This is an extremely shy juvenile White Throated Sparrow.

My yard has been completely overrun with Hummingbirds this year! I figure I have at least a dozen coming around, likely many more. It’s mostly juvenile males like this one right now but there are a lot of females too. One of my best seasons EVER for them.

A juvenile Chipping Sparrow having a grand ol’ splash in the bird bath. Loads of these little fellows around here this summer. They nest in my neighbour’s shrubs, then hop the fence into my yard to feed!

Juvenile Chipping Sparrow taking a break from splashing!

Adult Yellow Rumped Warbler in my lilac shrub

One of a half dozen Chickadees, this one hawking bugs from the sunflower stalks.

One of countless adult male Ruby Throated Hummingbirds. The activity around the yard is constant and a HUGE source of entertainment!

Dark Eyed Junco. Don’t panic, they don’t symbolize anything (like winter!) up here! They nest up here so I get to see them most seasons.
And lastly, a couple of critters that are not of the feathered variety. I was absolutely tickled last week to discover not just 1 but *2* White Lined Sphinx Moths on my Phlox! They were here about 9:15 pm one evening and they allowed me to easily get within about 6 feet of them. Incredible creatures!

White Lined Sphinx Moth
I also discovered this furry fellow on the underside of a sunflower leaf last week. It was only there about 2 1/2 days, then disappeared.

Virginia Tiger Moth Caterpillar
So that’s the latest update from here. I will genuinely try to keep up with regular postings now that summer is … *gulp!* … winding down. Warbler season is starting to kick in so hopefully, I’ll have more on that next month. Thanks so much for viewing!
Thanks so much, Raili. 🙂
Thanks, John!
Thanks, Gilda! I’ll try to keep up now!
Thanks, John!
Thank you, Miriam!
Thank you!
Love your post this month Tam. I’ve missed it. Sorry to hear of the loss of your photo’s, but it turned out “ok” in the in the end, right? Kudo’s to your “husband” and to your tenacity to recover. Love ya’.
Just lovely. Thank you.
Love your pictures and comments
Great post Tammie!
I was wondering what happened to you and your most excellent posts! Good to hear from you again.
Great job on all the photos!
what an interesting blog and fantastic photos.Glad that everything is back in running condition.
Cant wait til’ the next one to find out what all is happening on your yard and surroundings.