Behind Closed Doors: Spying on Violet-Green Swallows

A few years ago my husband, Dennis, bought me a spiffy new nest box equipped with a nestcam for my spring birthday. Within two days several violet-green swallows (tachycineta thalassina) began checking it out. I’d expected an extended looky-loo period because that’s what happened the spring before when swallows nested under the eaves …

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1.7 Million Acres of Prairie Grassland Under Threat

In April of 2012 the federal government announced it was divesting itself of 2.3 million acres of PFRA community pastures, 1.78 million of which are located in Saskatchewan. The control for these pastures has now reverted back to the prairie provinces and in response the Saskatchewan government has announced they …

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Canada’s Shorebirds – Part 2, Suborder Scolopacii

In Part 1 of this series, we covered in some detail the Suborder Charadrii, which included such beauties as the American Avocet, Black-bellied Plover, and the ever-present Killdeer. In that suborder, we went over the 11 endemic species in some detail and mentioned 4 vagrant species.   This month, we’ll …

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Come On Canada – Pledge To Fledge!

Pledge to Fledge is an international grassroots campaign from The Global Birding Initiative, designed to introduce more people to the observation of wild bird species. P2F is designed to help birders recruit their non-birding friends, nurture them toward becoming a casual birder, and then, ideally, into a citizen concerned about …

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