Wednesday Wings: Glorious Hummingbirds

These amazing Rufous Hummingbird photos were taken by Marilyn Saunders, who feeds these beautiful little birds at her home in the foothills west of Calgary. Click to enlarge. And if that backyard visitor wasn’t exciting enough, she has also captured images of a little male Calliope hummer at her feeder.

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Canadian Government Bows To Big Business

The federal government of Canada has taken dramatic steps to dismantle our environmental laws in favour of the energy industry. The Canadian government’s proposed changes will help fast-track environmental assessments for industrial projects like the Northern Gateway Pipeline, despite massive opposition from concerned citizens from across North America. The budget …

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Wednesday Wings: Swainson’s BIF

Posted By Bob Lefebvre Last week I was in one of our large Calgary parks, and there was a pair of Swainson’s Hawks. There was a stiff wind from the south, so I was able to get pictures as they soared almost motionless over my head. One of the birds …

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Changes to the Status of Birds In Canada

The Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) held their spring species assessment meeting last week in the Kananaskis Valley of Alberta.  The committee considered the status of 35 wildlife species, including five birds. Buff-breasted SandpiperTryngites subruficollis   Range YT NT NU BC AB SK MB ON …

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Calling on Bloggers To Black Out, Speak Out For Nature And Democracy

Canada’s leading environmental organizations have launched a campaign to protest against unprecedented attacks on two core Canadian values: nature and democracy. Known as Black Out Speak Out (or Silence, on parle, in French) the campaign will invite organizations, businesses and bloggers from across Canada to darken their websites on June 4, …

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New Online Manitoba Species At Risk Website

As part of Bird Studies Canada’s ongoing efforts to inform people about Species at Risk (SAR), the Manitoba Breeding Bird Atlas has just launched a new online Manitoba SAR Guide. This website provides detailed Manitoba-specific information on all avian SAR that breed in the province, with numerous habitat photos, descriptions, and …

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ABA Announces Their Bird Of The Year

The American Birding Association announces the Evening Grosbeak as the 2012 Bird of the Year. Evening Grosbeaks are avian firecrackers. Everyone notices them, and most people adore them. They are colorful, noisy, gregarious, and conspicuous. When they’re around, you know it. Their brash behavior is winning rather than wearing, except …

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