Historic release bolsters one of Canada’s most endangered birds

With the release of 66 greater sage-grouse into the wild, the Calgary Zoo, in partnership with the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) and Parks Canada, has significantly boosted one of Canada’s most endangered birds at a time when fewer than 250 remain in their habitat. This milestone release is the …
Notes From a Northwestern Ontario Backyard – February 2019
A Very Brief Winter Birding Update
Notes From a Northwestern Ontario Backyard – January 2019
T.O. Backyard – Xmas Birding
My last birds of the Alberta Summer
Today’s blog post should get me through most of my backlog of shots from 2018, so I’ll continue on where I left off in late summer… Late August and early September saw the final waves of south-bound migrants coming through, and I was pleased to knock off no less than …
Notes From a Northwestern Ontario Backyard – December 2018
T.O. Backyard – Toronto Raptors

Toronto Raptors? If you Googled something about the basketball team and wound up here… sorry about your luck, but maybe stick around and learn about Toronto’s other raptors of the feathered kind. Much like the basketball season that runs from October through to April, our visiting birds of prey go …