Nature News #25

Bird News A study in a peer-reviewed journal shows annual bird mortality in the bitumen tailings ponds of northeastern Alberta greatly exceeds industry estimates. A team of Canadian scientists is conducting an initial assessment of contaminant concentrations in northern fulmars. The sighting of a great egret in Orillia, ON is …

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Vulture Awareness Day

This is the second International Vulture Awareness Day. Although most people are unaware of it, Canada does have a resident vulture species, highly deserving of a feature on this blog. Turkey vultures Cathartes aura have been expanding their range northward in the last few years, and can now be seen …

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Nature News #24

Bird News Sea bird experts from around the world are meeting in Victoria, BC next week for the first World Sea Bird Conference, focusing on science, conservation and information sharing. The first-ever active sandhill crane nest discovered in New Brunswick this spring may indicate a northeastern expansion of the population. …

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Nature News #23

Bird News A research project on Vancouver Island is working on the problem of estuarine marshes being damaged by expanding populations of Canada Geese. An innovative restoration technique for the Lewis’s woodpecker is underway in BC, with workers creating rot in the heart of healthy trees so the bird will …

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