With the release of 66 greater sage-grouse into the wild, the Calgary Zoo, in partnership with the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) and Parks Canada, has significantly boosted one of Canada’s most endangered birds at a time when fewer than 250 remain in their habitat.
This milestone release is the result of a five-year program with funding support from the Governments of Canada and Alberta.
“These are early days in the urgent effort to save this precious species, but what we have been able to accomplish so far has been truly remarkable,” says Dr. Axel Moehrenschlager, Director Conservation and Science, Calgary Zoo. “With the help of many partners, we have built an innovative, multi-year breeding and reintroduction program, which we hope will ensure this iconic prairie bird can flourish for generations to come.”
Once common across the western prairie, an estimated 80 per cent of the greater sage-grouse population has disappeared over the past 30 years. Today fewer than 250 wild birds remain in southeastern Alberta and southwestern Saskatchewan. The birds were designated as endangered in Canada in 1998 under the Species at Risk Act. The loss, fragmentation and degradation of native grassland habitats are key reasons why the bird is endangered. Other factors are predation and the West Nile virus. Populations are limited to sagebrush grasslands.
Greater sage-grouse recovery project
In 2014, the federal and provincial governments pledged funding to help protect greater sage-grouse, enabling the zoo to begin a dedicated conservation breeding and reintroduction program. The plan was based on recommendations from the international multi-stakeholder Population and Habitat Viability Assessment Workshop for the greater sage-grouse in Canada.
In 2016, the zoo announced the creation of Canada’s first-ever greater sage-grouse breeding facility. Since then the zoo has established a healthy population of 54 grouse that make up the conservation breeding flock.
In the fall of 2018, the Calgary Zoo released 66 birds at two protected locations. One of the sites, provided by Parks Canada, is in Grasslands National Park in Saskatchewan. The other is on NCC conservation lands in southeast Alberta. NCC purchased this grassland property last year to provide a suitable environment in which to release sage-grouse. For the further protection of the birds, the exact release locations are not being identified.
Conservation organizations working together to protect species at risk
The property acquired by NCC is located southwest of Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park. It is 60 hectares (150 acres) and situated between areas in which sage-grouse congregate in the spring, called leks. Here, males display courtship dances for females. The property is also near overwintering sites that have been used by wild greater sage-grouse populations in recent years.
The project site is surrounded by intact Crown lands, with additional NCC conservation sites nearby.
The purchase of this conservation property was funded in part by the Government of Canada, through the Natural Areas Conservation Program, a program delivered by Environment and Climate Change Canada.
Canada’s network of protected areas plays an important role in helping to mitigate the impacts of climate change by protecting and restoring healthy, resilient ecosystems and contributing to the recovery of species at risk. In recent years, Parks Canada has undertaken a number of initiatives to manage and restore sage-grouse habitat, including sagebrush planting and seeding, beneficial cattle grazing initiatives, fence removal and fence marking, as well as population monitoring and research. In combination with these efforts, this release of sage-grouse into Grasslands National Park will help the park prevent the local extinction of sage-grouse and move toward recovery for this iconic species.