Well, my dearth of local Canadian birding activity has continued for another month, but the reasons are much more positive than last month: I have just returned from a 10-day trip to Costa Rica where I had a wonderful time seeing & photographing some of the astounding array of wildlife this marvellous country has to offer, including some wintering migrants that we shall soon see return to Canada in the next few months. As such, for this post I’ve again delved into my (extensive) catalog of unpublished images from 2017 and landed upon this image from a Calgary summer morning of a Ruddy Duck drake performing its wonderful ‘bubble bath’ courtship routine where it churns up the water with its feet to create bubbles…I’ve seen this display many times now, but it never gets old for me & you’re in for a treat if you’ve yet to see it! Hopefully this pic conveys a little of what the routine looks like & also makes you feel a little warmer as we again head into another deep freeze period here in this particularly cold and snowy Alberta winter of 2017/18!