It’s quite special to us knowing that a short ten minute drive from home during the winter months, we’re almost guaranteed a Snowy Owl sighting.
Greetings! It’s been 6 months since we’ve blogged, we took a bit of a break, but are looking forward to writing regularly again. I thought since this is our first blog in a while we’d do a quick recap of our Fall 2017, and Winter 2018.
The bird activity in the yard was quite normal over the last 6 months, despite the below normal cold temperatures we experienced for most of the winter.

The first of our Spring migrants returned on Feb. 24th. Red-winged Blackbird pictured, and the Grackles arrived too.
The calendar may say “Spring”, but Mother Nature seems to be giving us an extended Winter. The next few weeks should see the return of our much loved Baltimore Orioles, and hopefully some warmer temperatures.
Til next month,
It is always a thrill to see and hear the song birds and the silent flyer of the owl.