Stunning Male Northern Cardinal on our Xmas morning walk.
Rob and I had a pretty quiet Christmas week, it was just nice to have so much time together as we work different shifts. We also enjoyed a bit of birding while we were off together. We may not of captured any great photos, but we made some great memories.
On December 23rd we did a road trip to the Port Rowan, Ontario area to look for Sandhill Cranes and I was hoping to see my first Snowy Owl of the season. We did see hundreds of Sandhill Cranes, but dipped on the Snowy Owl. Just down the road from the Sandhill Cranes we also saw hundreds of Tundra Swans, and a Bald Eagle was keeping watch over a field of Canadian Geese.

A few of the Sandhill Cranes we saw. It was an amazing site to witness and something else to hear!
We went to bed early on the 23rd, which caused me to wake up way too early the next day, 3:30am to be exact. I woke Rob up and asked him if he wanted to go looking for Snowy Owls. This is not the first time I have done this, so he wasn’t surprised. So we went on a little adventure in the wee hours of December 24th, and I saw my first Snowy Owl of the season pretty close to home! We got home and went back to bed at 5:30am.

My first Snowy Owl of the season!

He had a good wing stretch while we watched him.

I found this pellet walking back to the truck, it was huge and still warm!
After opening presents on Christmas morning, we decided to go out for a nature walk at a favorite spot of ours close to home. It was a nice morning and we had a peaceful walk. We didn’t see a lot of birds but spotting this Wild Turkey in the tree amused us both. We have seen him there a few times. We figure he stays in the tree to be safe from the coyotes in the area, as we did see two that morning.

This Turkey was in a safe spot.
We hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and wish you a great birding new year.