Tag: bird canada
T.O. Backyard – Xmas Birding
T.O. Backyard – Backyard Surprises!
The Northern Pygmy-Owl: The little owl with big personality
Canada’s Shorebirds – Part 3, Calidrids and Turnstones
Nested Nests
What, if Anything, is a Hoary Redpoll?

Posted by Bob Lefebvre, Calgary The last two winters have seen huge irruptions of redpolls into the Calgary area, and across much of southern Canada and the northern continental US. This doesn’t happen every year, and it has been difficult to find any Common Redpolls in some recent winters. Finding …
Marten Mountain: Bears and Life Birds
Canada’s Grassland Birds Face Declining Populations

Guest Post by Ted Cheskey, Nature Canada Manager of Bird Conservation The Greater Sage-grouse is on the brink of extinction in Canada. This iconic prairie bird, known for its spectacular mating dance, will likely vanish if emergency measures are not put in place to protect its grassland and sagebrush habitat. Unfortunately, the Sage-grouse …