Wednesday Wings: Shorebirds

Well there. Now that I’ve got a shorebird post out of the way I can go back to some interesting birds. Wait…did I say that out loud?


  1. Yes, shorebirds can be interesting, but it’s not like they’re owls or anything…:)

  2. Oh, I think there is a love for shorebirds brewing deep down…but I’ll go along with the façade :’)

    Keep up the great posts!

  3. Hey I heard that …I will try to keep it under wouldnt want the whole birding community to know how you feel would you?

  4. Wonderful shorebird post! Love the beautiful images and preening video!

  5. Interesting birds you say? I’ll pretend you did not write that. Slowly, you are coming around and I like it 🙂

  6. Nice collection. I like the video. A well-groomed bird! You may now return to your raptors, finches and what have you. 😉

  7. Shorebirds? Really? Who are you, and what have you done with Pat? Excellent photos and video. 🙂

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